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Changes to the Navigator

There are a few improvements to the Crickles Navigator:
Athlete selection
It now remembers who you are (i.e. which athlete you selected) between sessions. This is achieved using a cookie (it simply stores the athlete ID); the first time you load the Navigator following this change there is a notification that pops up alerting you to the use of cookies. The cookie will periodically expire but in the main you’ll now no longer have to find your own name in the Athlete list.
The same has been done on Crickles Charts too.
Group selection
Group selection is now under Athlete selection so that you only have to select from the groups to which you belong. For the majority of athletes, this reduces to a choice between “All” athletes (the default) and Male or Female.
Lactate Threshold Heart Rate (LTHR) and Functional Threshold Power (FTP) are now charted on separate tabs. This makes changes in LTHR in particular easier to discern. Obviously if you don’t cycle with a power meter you won’t get an FTP chart.
Last loaded date/time
The notice of when Navigator data was last updated was previously given in the arcane UTC timezone beloved of computers. This is now changed to London time.
Please let us know if you have issues with any of the above.
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